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Price Transparency on treatments

Price Transparency on treatments
  • 15 November 2022, 10:44

Price Transparency on treatments

Price Transparency is about making the consumers feel more prepared for the cost of their healthcare service before taking action.  Since healthcare is more expensive than any other goods, consumers want to prepare themselves for the cost that they need to face before the service is delivered and to prevent surprises in their medical bills.

Dental Healthcare is most likely facing this catastrophe between consumers and providers due to additional expenses that may occur during the treatment process.  This is relatively connected to a lack of medical documents from the consumer such as a Panoramic X-ray or 3D Scan, in this case, the patient can face additional costs for the extra treatment that may arise.

This has been a negative issue between the consumer and provider especially for those people having their treatment abroad and became a reason to break the trust barrier from the consumer.

In connection with this, we came up with a “No Hidden Charges” rule to ensure that our patients can manage their treatment expenses accordingly.  We apply this rule to all the services that we offer and in case additional treatment will be needed, this will automatically be free of charge.  And to avoid this, our team pays more keen attention to every treatment plan that we provide.

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