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What we need to know about baby teeth

What we need to know about baby teeth
  • 15 November 2022, 09:33

What we need to know about baby teeth

Deciduous teeth or baby teeth are the first teeth.  They start to develop during the embryotic stage and will start to erupt into the gums about 6 months after birth.  Milk teeth start to fall out when the jaw begins to grow, these teeth are temporary and no milk tooth will end up as a permanent tooth. Milk teeth start to develop throughout toddlerhood and it requires the same oral hygiene as adult teeth. 

All of your primary teeth are temporary. You have a total of 20 primary teeth before the development of the 32 permanent teeth.  Milk teeth usually should fall out at the age of 13 to 14 years old but some can linger into your teenage years, and in some cases, you may require to extract your milk teeth if it blocks the eruption of your permanent tooth.

The milk teeth will usually fall out in the order that they first erupt in a child’s mouth.  The central incisors are typically the first ones to erupt and the first to fall out among the others – this should fall out at the age of 6 to 8 years old.

Milk teeth should be seen by a dentist the first time it erupts so the doctor can have a chance to check everything is developing normally.  Taking a child to a dentist at an early age will help them to get comfortable and get rid of phobias and nervousness.

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